Hi everyone! We had some fun today--Mom and Dad did a mantrailing exercise with us. Well, in our case, it was a woman-trailing exercise since Mom was the quarry. Basically, Mom took off and we had to track her down and find her. It was lots of fun! After getting sidetracked due to the wind blowing her scent around, we found her. She decided to take off one more time and I bayed furiously for her to come back. She didn't so we had to find her, which we did five minutes later. Dad observed that Bernie and I have very different traits when trailing. I'm the nose (obviously!) while Bernie relies on his eyes and ears... The combination of the two of us is impressive indeed! We were pretty tired when we got home and had a nice snooze once we got home...
Speaking of noses and such, Bernie had a DNA test a while ago and it turns out that Bernie is part bloodhound, part Pyranees, and part Cocker Spaniel (!!?). The bloodhound part is definitely there--he has quite a nose of him and he even has a few wrinkles, as you can see on the photo.